8723 Class - V 199. Aurangabad has an average literacy rate of 44 lower than the national average of 595.
West Bengal Population As Per Census 2001
West Bengal Population 2021 Census.

Census 2001 west bengal. The density of West Bengal state in the current decade is 2664 per sq mile. Male literacy is 52 and female literacy is 36. West Bengal is a state situated in the eastern part of India which shares its international border with Bangladesh apart from Nepal and Bhutan.
The total population growth in this decade was 1384 percent while in previous decade it was 1784 percent. According to the Census 2011 West Bengal is the 4th most populated state in India. Districts Scheduled Caste Scheduled Tribe Population of SC population.
Estimates of Net State Domestic Product of West Bengal by Industry of Origin 27. There are total thirty eight 38 notified STs in the state. West Bengal is an State of India with population of Approximate 913 Crores.
4 Following this approximate method of estimation for Census 2001 it was found that 509 villages in West Bengal excluding Darjeeling and Jalpaiguri districts were eligible to be identifi ed as CTs in Census 2011. Census of India 2011 Provisional Population Totals for West Bengal Area Population Decennial Growth Rate and Density for 2001 and 2011 at a glance for West Bengal and the Districts Sl. Population Map of West Bengal per Census 2001.
West Bengal is the 9th most populated state in the world. The population of West Bengal forms 754 percent of. 20662 Ajodhya Nagar.
Male literacy stands at 8214 and female literacy stands at 6546. Of West Bengal 2001 Census. Population 2001 Population 2011 Decennial Growth Rate Population Density Per SqKm.
Gender Data Sheet A4 Maps. Parasia CT WB Population. 10994 Class - IV 198.
The gap of 2159 percentage points recorded between male and female literacy rates in 2001 Census has reduced to 1668 percentage points in 2011. The literacy has increased by 92 from 2001 Census. The detail analysis of Population Census 2011 published by Govt.
In 2001 total population was 80176197 in which males were 41465985 while females were 38710212. Vital Rates in West Bengal and India 26 STATE INCOME TABLE 30. As per 2001 Census of India Aurangabad had a population of 32134.
Includes village socio-demographic and economic Census attribute data such as total population population by sex household literacy and illiteracy rates and employment by industry. West bengal census 2011. Delhi 11320 turns out to be the most densely inhabited followed by Chandigarh 9258 among all StatesUTs both in 2001 and 2011 Census.
South Twenty Four Parganas. This point shapefile shows village locations with socio-demographic and economic Census data for 2001 for the State of West Bengal India linked to the 2001 Census. Parashkol CT WB Population.
Par Beliya CT WB Population. Therefore Jalpaiguri and Darjeeling districts were excluded from this review. There has been an Increase of 18196 Million Persons in.
Percentage Distribution with respect to total Main Workers in West Bengal 25 2001 TABLE 29. 13 rows Density of population in India is 382 persons per sq km. Males constitute 50 of the population and females 50.
2001-03-01 Population Census 2011-03-01. The state also shares ethnolinguistic similarity with BangladeshIt stretches from the Himalayas in the north to the Bay of Bengal in the south. Census of India 2001 West Bengal Page 8 of 10 WEST BENGAL Continued.
The state has registered 157 per cent decadal growth of ST population in 1991-2001. 6039 Class - V 197. Of this 4406794 persons are Scheduled Tribes STs constituting 55 per cent of the total population of the state.
West Bengal Population as per Census 2001. P M F 1991-2001 2001-2011. The total population of West Bengal at 2001 Census has been 80176197.
South Twenty Four Parganas. Workers in West Bengal by Sex and by District Census 2001 TABLE 28. Of India for West Bengal state reveal that population of West Bengal has increased by 1384 in this decade compared 2001-2011 to past decade 1991-2001.
Population of ST population. In Aurangabad 19 of the population is under 6 years of. Indias literacy rates stands at 7404 for age 7 and above.
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